GRI 2-14, 2-22
Dear Investors,
A little more than 4 years after our IPO, I am proud of the Fibra Nova team and the results we have achieved, tripling the value of the trust and maintaining the profitability and cash flow generation levels we are known for.
Our performance during 2021 attests to the fact that our business model is sustainable and has allowed us to continue growing at double-digit rates, with a real estate portfolio that is resilient in times of crisis and the effects brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic almost two years ago.
We are committed to and assume our responsibility to continue growing in harmony with the environment and society. The climate change risks continue to increasingly affect the communities with which we work, and we are aware of the need to uphold our commitment to protect the environment.
In 2021, we decided to step up our sustainability efforts and formulated our ESG strategy, which is based on an initial measurement of our energy, water, waste and biodiversity consumption and impacts, for the purpose of managing our environmental performance in an adequate and consistent manner.It is worth mentioning that as part of our commitment to transparently communicate non-financial information, we aligned the preparation of the report with the 20 material metrics for the sector defined in the Mexican Association of REITs (Asociación Mexicana de FIBRAs Inmobiliarias, AMEFIBRA for its Spanish acronym) ESG Manual.
Although this is our first ESG report prepared in accordance with the GRI methodology. By incorporating best practices, we reaffirm the organization’s commitment to strengthening the positive impact of the communities of which we are a part.
As a major ESG effort, the first materiality assessment was prepared to generate value both inside and outside the organization. As a result, we identified the strategic priorities that allowed us to develop our ESG strategy, which are: energy management, GHG emissions, waste management, climate change, ethics and regulatory compliance, governance bodies, risks and crises, employee health and safety, work environment, and community engagement.
We strengthened the dialogue with our stakeholders and engaged with them through a process of rapprochement and communication. We know that it is essential to keep communication channels open and to foster dialogue with them as part of our daily activities to be able to efficiently report the strategic indicators we define.
We know that it is essential to keep communication channels open and to foster dialogue with them as part of our daily activities that allow us to build lasting trustbased relations.
I am convinced that in the same way that our collaborators have led us to become one of the most profitable Mexican REITs, we will continue to move forward in our sustainable efforts, outlining our goals and efforts through this report in a transparent manner to our stakeholders.
Guillermo Medrano
Chief Executive Officer